
The fifth episode of HelloWorld !, the IRD's program dedicated to the science of sustainable solutions, is available. It highlights the implementation of sustainability science on the field, within a One Health framework, through the HumAni project in Zimbabwe.

Hello World! provides a glimpse of solutions that address the major challenges of sustainability for planetary life and societies.


Three sequences structure the program and illustrate the efforts of researchers and their partners in implementing sustainability science. The first segment, "In the field: HumAni project" offers a better understanding of the project and the interactions among the various partners. The second part, "Understand, co-construct, transform: sustainability science in action," delves into the concept of sustainability science from the perspective of the researchers and their partners. How do they approach these issues, and what are the limitations? Lastly, "A One Health approach" looks at the project's interdisciplinary nature and the directions in which HumAni aims to expand its research areas.

The speakers

For this fifth episode, Hello World! went on the field, at the heart of a One Health research project that aims to put sustainability science into action.

Participants HelloWorld 5

© Sacha Capdevielle

HumAni, an example of sustainability science on the field

The concept of One Health, or global health, prioritizes the improvement and equity of health for all global populations, with a fundamental principle: considering the health of humans, animals, and the environment. The various perspectives on this concept were detailed in HelloWorld! #2. This time, HelloWorld! focuses on the practical implementation of the notion of global health and, more broadly, sustainability science in action on the field through the example of the HumAni project.

The HumAni project takes place in Zimbabwe, a semi-arid country in southern Africa, where protected areas span across several countries, allowing the movement of wild animals, consequently increasing interactions with human-inhabited spaces. The objective is to understand the different aspects of disease transmission around these protected zones, the impact of humans and climate change on the evolution of disease transmission, and its consequences for human, animal, and plant health.

Collectively, the various stakeholders are building the project to ensure a comprehensive understanding of this ecosystem and are striving to address the health challenges in this area.